ProductionWise -> agCOMMANDER


ProductionWise is reaching the end of its life on JUNE 30 2024 

Here at agCOMMANDER we have written a data migrator to migrate all the ProductionWise cropping data to agCommander and we are offering that service for FREE to help you out of the bind you have found yourself in. 

Since mid-May 2024 we have successfully migrated a LOT of ProductionWise clients. 

If you are a ProductionWise client and have not yet made up your mind which software platform you are moving to, OR … if you have moved to another platform and are not happy with it, you must back up your ProductionWise data before it shuts down.

To migrate to agCommander we need you to do the following 

  • Download your farm maps to a KML file 
  • Generate the Operations report for all years and save as a CSV file 
  • Generate the Inputs report for all years and save as a CSV file

The two report files will look something like these 

Send those files to us when you are ready to join the movement to agCOMMANDER! 
If you get that done before the end of June, at least you know you have a way of retaining all your hard work! 
For a price list and more information, please fill out the form on this page and be sure to mention you are moving from ProductionWise. Remember, we are offering FREE data migration!