METLOG by agCOMMANDER is a simple application that will download data from weather stations for analysis.

Daily minimum and maximum temperatures and humidities and are stored as are daily rainfall and evaporation totals (if available).
A large number of charts and tabular reports can be generated from those stored values.

In addition, weather data (and soil moisture probe, dendrometer and other sensor data if available) can be used to generate charts for any time  interval from the current day up to 1 year.

MetLog currently interfaces with the following logger types for both Daily Weather Records and all associated reports and for the “All Sensors” charting module:

  • Adcon
  • Ranch
  • Lattech
  • Progres
  • Weatherlink (Davis) 

Below is a screenshot of the “All Sensors” charting system.  In this situation there is a soil moisture probe with 12 sensors plus a weather station and 2 dendrometers and an irrigation flow meter. 

Set up irrigation monitoring levels and they will be displayed as shaded color background areas on the chart :

  • Field Capacity Level
  • Onset of Stress level
  • Absolute Minimum Moisture Level 

Data loggers located at Monitoring Points (that is what we call the location of the logger) are set up using the form shown below.  Any sensors, weather or other sensor types, are added on the “Sensors” tab. 

MetLog - by agCommander 2024-04-09 17-01-34
MetLog - by agCommander 2024-04-09 17-02-12
MetLog - by agCommander 2024-04-09 17-02-32
MetLog - by agCommander 2024-04-09 17-02-54

View all your Monitoring Point locations on a map. If the logger doesn’t provide you with its location you can manually add a marker to show the position of the monitoring points.

Below is a screenshot of one of the charts available in the Daily Weather Records module.

Some more examples of the charts you will be able to generate from your Daily Weather Records

agCommander 2024-04-09 17-30-52
agCommander 2024-04-09 17-34-53
agCommander 2024-04-09 17-31-33
agCommander 2024-04-09 17-33-07

Daily Weather data can either be manually entered or downloaded from a weather station.

The daily minimum and maximum temperatures and humidities and are stored as are daily rainfall and evaporation totals (if available).


MetLog Mobile


  • Weather Records Listing for the past months 
  • Monthly Rainfall Totals chart 
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly charts for all sensors 
  • coming soon

Multi Language & Units of Measure


  • English
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • French
  • Hebrew 
  • Italian
  • More coming soon

In both Metric & Imperial.  

Users can choose their Language.