Livestock Features

Features for Mob or Herd Records in agCommander
Analytics. We don't just keep records of everything you do to your livestock, we analyse the data in so many ways. So many ways to slice and dice your data, it's impossible to count the number of reports in agCommander!
Categories & Stock Classes
Configure your livestock enterprises your way. Completely user definable livestock categories and subcategories and stock classes. Each stock class can be split up into as many paddocks as needed. agCommander takes care of reclassing as needed.
Weights & Condition Scores
Define your Livestock Unit to suit your needs. Keep track of Weights, Livestock Units and Conditions Scores. Keep track of weight gains, kilograms of production. Generate reports to do with averagea Kg/Hectare for paddocks.
Grazing Days
Monitoring Livestock Unit Grazing Days was the first major reporting feature in our livestock system (Est 1989). Used by Universities and CSIRO and others for monitoring intensive grazing days experiments.
Generate insightful reports on grazing day histories of your paddocks. Annual average stocking rates. Paddock Stocking Rate Status as at any date. Movements in and out of paddocks & more...
Livestock Movements
Moving mobs is easy in agCommander. Move many mobs to/from many paddocks at once (using the map to drag & drop if you like).
Record average mob weights, condition scores and number changes (deaths, corrections, etc) as you record moves.
Sales & Purchases
Record all the price and grade, vendor, customer, agent etc. details you need for your sales and purchases, including all miscellaneous costs.
Record also the vendor declaration and NLIS details.
Easily pass your on farm QA Audit with the records you keep in agCommander. We have been told by clients that auditors are "amazed" at how well agCommander manages your veterinary treatments and drugs. Create and use our treatment templates. Ideal for recording complex job combinations like lamb or calf markings.
Generate reports of treatments and consumables used by stock class or paddock or by feed ... slice and dice the data whichever way you need at the time.
Supplementary Feeds
Keep excellent feeding records. Made easy by our simple templates that enable you to create and save and reuse feed mixes. The cost of feeds is managed by our unique input costs management system. Generate reports of feed used by stock class or paddock or by feed ... slice and dice the data whichever way you need at the time.
agCommander also has a Kg/Second configuration for trail feeding calculations
Inventory of Consumables
Keep a track of the inventory of all your supplementary feeds and veterinary drugs. You have the option to track Stock On Hand by Batch Numbers and or Storage Locations.
Record Purchases. Include details like Expiry Dates, Manufacturing Dates, Invoice Numbers etc.
Convert harvested grain from your Inventory of Harvested Produce into Supplementary Feed.
Generate Inventory Transactions Reports, Perform Stock Takes (on your mobile if you like).
Veterinary Drug Database
Every 28 days, agCommander automatically updates its on-board database of all registered veterinary drugs. Add the drugs you use to your list from the master list. Display Labels & MSDS documents.
Shearing & Wool Records
Record Shearings & Crutchings. Allocate mobs to bales. Allocate bales to lots. Record the Lot test results and sales prices. Generate the comprehensive Shearing Summary Report... and many other wool reports to deeply analyse your wool clips, wool cut per head, net revenue per Kg, etc.
agCommander helps you manage your agistments. Whether that be your livestock agisted out onto another property or another party's livestock agisted on your property. Either way, agCommander takes care of all your needs in the recording and reporting of agistment
Matings, Pregnancy Tests & Births
Record mating details including sires, sire out dates, expected birth dates (gestation periods are all configurable at the livestock category level). Record pregnancy tests, embryo counts, etc.
If you run deer and harvest velvet, or you have a dairy, our livestock production system enables you to record the output and the revenue from it.
Pasture Monitoring
Record the pasture cover and (optionally) the pasture growth rates of your paddocks. Generate reports, both tabular and map reports of your pasture data. Generate the Pasture Wedge chart to grade the pasture cover in your paddocks from high to low.
Grazing Pressure Map Report
Our map reports will show you the stocking rates of all your grazed areas as well as the mobs and the number of days they have been in the paddock
Business Unit Transfers
If you are running our agCommander Enterprise system and transfer animals from one business unit to another, this feature is for you. Some call this internal sales.
Annual Stock Class Summary
View everything that has happened to a stock class in a calendar year in one screen
The Stock Return
Our Stock Return report was designed in conjunction with Australia's largest livestock operations & further enhanced in conjunction with New Zealand's largest livestock operation. Good enough for the corporate board meetings. Perfect for any sized operation.
Stock Movement Advice Listing
View all livestock sales, purchases, agistments and transfers in one summary listing. Click to view details.
Worm Egg Counts
Use the dedicated worm egg count recording system to monitor your parasite levels
Input Cost Management
Use our unique and powerful input cost management system to keep track of all your costs over time. Easy and intuitive to use.
Individual Animal Records Features Below

Grazing Pressure
Easily identify the fields doing the heavy lifting in terms of grazing pressure and those have an easy time.
This map report is also available on your choice of mobile device.

Mobs in Fields Under Quarantine
Easily identify the fields carrying mobs that are under quarantine for treatments they have received
This map report is also available on your choice of mobile device.
Features for Individual Animal Records in agCommander
EID & Visual ID
Animals can be idenitified in agCommander using either Electronic RFID Tags or Visual ID Tags or both
Lifetime Traits
A full set of animal lifetime traits is built into agCommander such as date of birth, weaning date, dam and sire, horned or poll etc.
User Defined Traits
Create unlimited traits to suit your needs. Traits can be of any type: Text, Numeric, Date, True/False, User-Defined List Members. Some traits will be lifetime traits or traits that you measure on a regular basis (e.g. Fleece Weights or Scrotum Circumference)
Animal weight types can be recorded and tagged with the weighing date, as you would expect, but in agCommander you can configure significant weight "types". For example, a "200 Day Weight" could be configured for animal type Cattle and defined as a weight measured in the age range of 150 days to 250 days.
Weight Gain Reporting
A set of reports around daily weight gains include:
Average Daily Live Weight Gain
Days to Reach a Target Weight
Weight Achieved at a Target Date
Traits & Weights Browser
agCommander provides you with a reporting system where any combination of weights and/or traits can be used to rank animals.
A Drafting List can be exported from the Traits and Weights Browser
Import & Export
Animal data can be imported and exported in CSV format. Export data to your in-yard scales. Import data from any source to update your animal records, or to add new animals and their traits
Animal Records
Record Matings, Pregnancy Tests, Treatments, Purchases, Sales, Deaths, Re-Classing... in fact any record type that you can record against mobs or herds
Packed with User Friendly Features
We have worked closely with livestock farmers and their consultants on making the Individual Animal module user friendly. There have been numerous nice features arising from that collaboration