agCommander News – Aug 19 2021

Hello and welcome to your Jul/Aug 2021 update from the team at agCOMMANDER. 

Below is a list of new features we have added to agCOMMANDER over the last 2 months. If you are also interested in what’s been fixed lately, there is an “up to the minute” list of fixes located on your “About” tab for you to view at your leisure.                         

It’s been a great pleasure to be adding enhancements. It’s making agCOMMANDER better & better with each new feature. Many thanks to all of you who have put forward the suggestions.  

In case you have not discovered the “Feature Requests and Suggestions” tab where you can enter your feature requests on the main Information Tab, check it out soon & vote on any of the suggestions others have posted. To vote, click on the Edit button and then click on the check box: “Yes! Register my Vote for This Feature” 

In Cropping & Harvest Inventory: Generic Charting based on your selections in Tabular Reports. 

Step 1: Group By <1 or more items> 

Step 2: Show Summaries, 

Step 3: Generate Charts

In Cropping Job & Work Order Preview: Field labels reduced somewhat to reduce the clutter on the map 

In Map Editing: Modified the indicator for snapping polygons. Made it smaller & less in the way.

In Cropping: Print Preview of Jobs: Added an option to insert a page break prior to printing the job notes. Please Note: This only affects the Printing of Jobs 

In Cropping Reports: the Season or Date range that you chose in the report parameters is now displayed on the screen after the report title and also on any of the PDF exports.

In Cropping: Now Displaying the Cost Per Hectare values for all consumables to give feedback during data entry 

In Cropping: Spray Jobs: Total Water (or Mix) for the job is now displayed on the data entry screen

Inventory of Consumables: With inventory stock on hand tracking enabled, you will notice the Total To Deduct From Inventory field will show with a red background colour when that value and the Total consumed value are not equal.

In Cropping: The Crop Monitoring Map Reports have had an overhaul in this release

In System Setup: The Staff & Associates List now has a “Merge Duplicate Staff” option … useful for people cleaning up data migrated from PAM

In Cropping: AUTO-WEATHER – Job Weather Records – Automatically Populated. Look for the newly added option under Cropping / Options to enable. Prerequisite for this to work is: You have to have Field/Paddock Maps. It uses the coordinates of the treated areas of a job to find the nearest weather data. Coming later in Phase 2: use your personal weather station data to do this job. 

On the Dashboard (Horticulture Users only): An option to switch between Pre-Harvest Withholding Period & Re-Entry Interval on the Cropped Areas under Quarantine Map 

In Cropping: Job Weather Records. Missing Wind Directions: ENE, NNE, WSW, etc.  to fill in the gaps and to work with the data coming from the weather stations used for Auto-Weather 

In Cropping: Diary Tab: Actuals, Work Orders, Recommendations. There is a new button to refresh the display of job dates. This will be handy to check when/if new data has arrived from any mobile devices.

In Cropping Configuration: New Merge Manual Task Operations option

In Configuration: New option to remove old unwanted Assets from your list. This will cause those assets to also be removed from records so the job costing of those old records will revert back to the Operation costing

On the Dashboard: Areas under quarantine now include those within their Reentry Interval Hours limit

Export Reports to PDF: now has extra options: Orientation (Portrait or Landscape), Attach to Email, Open in new Tab for Printing (Please allow popups from agCommander if your browser complains)

In Cropping: Daily Activities Diary Notes & Images Report now shows the areas involved in the job

In Cropping: (For Pro & Enterprise only) Notify Your Neighbour of Spraying Events by SMS – See the Knowledge Base for all the instructions

In Enterprise Version: Copy Production Units from one Business Unit to Another

In Cropping: The Work Order or Recommendation Number is now displayed on the Diary Screen in Details Mode & also on the Daily Activities Diary Report

In Inventory of Consumables: Transaction Report: A link on the date field column that pops up the job where a consumable was consumed.

In PDF Exported Reports: the Report title is now displayed at the top

In Cropping: Ad Hoc Machinery Cost for any Machinery Event

In Cropping Configuration: Special utilities to enable you to merge replicated list items to tidy up your lists. There are 2 knowledge base articles explaining how to use these. Look for the article

Merging Replicate Consumable List Items under the Consumables category and Removing Duplicated Machinery Operations under Machinery Operations and Assets category.

In Cropping: New Report showing jobs with Notes &/or Images 

On Mobile: In Cropping: New Report: Season Summary Report for any past season (online mode only) 

On Mobile: In Livestock: New Map Report: Current Stocked Paddocks Map – with Info Window showing Mobs, Days In, Tallies etc.  (online mode only)

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